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⋙ Read Free Media Whores edition by Made in DNA Literature Fiction eBooks

Media Whores edition by Made in DNA Literature Fiction eBooks

Download As PDF : Media Whores edition by Made in DNA Literature Fiction eBooks

Download PDF Media Whores  edition by Made in DNA Literature  Fiction eBooks

Deep beneath the seething, zombie-infested landscape of Nippon, the city of New Tokioh has sunk itself thermometer-like into the sphincter of the Earth. At its heart, a media-maven who plays the cultural libido of a city-state desperate for stimulus. A man, a woman, the yakuza, and zombie sex! Originally a Twitter novel.

As of 2011, Media Whores has been integrated into the BUKKAKE BRAWL novel. Please make purchase of that title instead and get four total Twitter novels for the price of two. The Media Whores ebook data is being retained here for the reviews.

Sincerest apologies for any confusion.

Media Whores edition by Made in DNA Literature Fiction eBooks

You always hear about the crazy sex things the japanese are into, with the extreme bondage/torture bukkake ball smashing hygrophilia with hooks and chains etc.. Media whores manages to pull all this (+mutants and zombies) into a violent action packed sci-fi short, while giving an interesting view of where humans are headed with entertainment technology, I.e. Youtube stardom, deeper darker quicker porn accessibility, electronic banking etc. A very good quick read, I had no problem getting through it in under an hour. Really glad I came across this book. (pun intended)

Product details

  • File Size 153 KB
  • Print Length 30 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date April 16, 2010
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Media Whores  edition by Made in DNA Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Media Whores - Kindle edition by Made in DNA. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Media Whores.,ebook,Made in DNA,Media Whores,FICTION Erotica
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Media Whores edition by Made in DNA Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

Media Whores - a tale of pr0n and zombies in a post-post apocalyptic Japan.

Writing for the Twitter audience, each sentence delivers a vivid scene.
Very vivid usually. Often combining sex, gore, horror and scifi elements in one or two sentences. Just the way to make an impact in 140 characters or less.

Racey - and not for the faint of heart or easily offended.

Keep those mass-distractions coming man!
Made in DNA is like a combination between William Gibson and Simon Logan.

Media Whores is a twitter novel which takes place in a futuristic sex fused New Tokioh.

It's full of sex and ultraviolence and zombies all filmed behind an gritty industrial backdrop.

Highly recommended.
Kurara is a bad ass sex slut that takes what she wants. Any woman that can do sadistic things to men and they come back for more, has my respect. I love her character and enjoyed her female power,of odd fetish services she provided.

Kinky sex scenes of female empowerment, a story of lust and zombies. With alot of out of the box thinking. Great story.
Some were proclaiming cyberpunk's demise before it ever got started. Well you can't put a nail in this coffin just yet, the damn thing just won't stop moving, it won't stop evolving

Media Whores is a 21st century interpretation of a 20th Century genre that explored a future we are living right now. Where Max Headroom promised us blipverts -- commercials condensed to 3 seconds the real 21st century gave us microblogging, a capsule of thought in 140 characters or less. Made In DNA gives us a story for a culture with a decreasing attention span, a piece of microficton originally posted on twitter, one tweet at a time.

The story opens in New Tokioh, a subterranean city seemingly powered and sustained by a steady diet of video depicting sex and violence. No, not two separate genres, but sex so brutal, you don't roll over and fall asleep when its done, you check yourself into an emergency room. It follows the life of a erstwhile cameraman our nameless narrator, as he grabs the attention -- and employment of one of the stars of New Tokioh, the ball-busting Kurara (no last name). This leads to our nameless narrator documenting (and participating in) the sexploits of Kurara, which about halfway in "gets complicated".

Overall, Media Whores is an entertaining, surprising experience, full of creative portmanteaus and a stream-of-consciousness feel that will draw you into this world for the short time it takes to read.
I'm giving this 5 for the audience it's intended for. I guess if I was comparing this all ALL books, I'd give it like a 4.2 or something. But one of the great things about reading is that moment when you find EXACTLY what you're looking for and at that moment you realize that what you are reading deserves all the praise you can muster.

The author (Made in DNA) writes that kind of stuff. He won't appeal to everyone, no sir. Those looking for hard SF or a space opera are going to be quite in for a harsh surprise. (Unless their definition of HARD SF is different than the norm, haha!)

Just like a lot of good fiction, it's difficult to explain drawing comparisons. My first impression was that it was sort of like early William Gibson if he just loosened up a bit and had some fun (and let a little more ADULT subject matter in.) It also struck me like something Stephen Barber (Tokyo Trilogy) would come up with it. So it's a little cyberpunkish...a little transgressive, prose like a one-two-three punch with razor-fists against a Japanese backdrop while Naked City supplies the soundtrack.

If you like Neo-Japanese culture, cyberpunk, zombies, pornography, and violence...check this out. The prose is punchy and tight... but it's also quite laid back. Reading it is like what I'd imagine watching a veteran free jazz musician would be like. The guy's hitting all these notes FAST but he's so relaxed and so cool about it.
This sexpunk tale is fun and full of zombies. You'll want more of this world once you've finished reading. Zombie sex!
You always hear about the crazy sex things the japanese are into, with the extreme bondage/torture bukkake ball smashing hygrophilia with hooks and chains etc.. Media whores manages to pull all this (+mutants and zombies) into a violent action packed sci-fi short, while giving an interesting view of where humans are headed with entertainment technology, I.e. Youtube stardom, deeper darker quicker porn accessibility, electronic banking etc. A very good quick read, I had no problem getting through it in under an hour. Really glad I came across this book. (pun intended)
Ebook PDF Media Whores  edition by Made in DNA Literature  Fiction eBooks

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